Apply to join the Speakers Bureau Thank you for your interest in joining the Grand Lodge Speakers Bureau. Please provide the following information to help us understand your interest and availability. Speaker’s Bureau Application Name(Required) Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Middle Last Suffix Enter your name, as you would like it to appear in the Speakers Bureau Your Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email Enter your preferred email for Speaker Bureau inquiriesYour Biography(Required)Please enter information on your Masonic background, speaking topics and other information that lodges interested in booking you as a speaker may wish to know.Your Photo(Required)Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 2 MB.Please upload a professional photo, preferrably in landscape format, no larger than 2.5MB.Travel Radius(Required) Central Northeast Northwest South Central Southeast Southwest Via Internet (Zoom, Etc) Select AllSelect the regions of our jurisdiction to which you are willing to travel. Select the topic below which you are willing to speakPast Masonic History Famous Oklahoma Masons Masonry in Indian Territory Select AllTraditional Symbolism Philosophy Ritual Esoteric Contemplative Masonry Fraternalism Select AllContemporary Lodge Leadership and Vision Masonic Charity and Philanthropy Membership Recruitment and Retention Recognition and Regularity Select AllOther Appendant Bodies Masonic Youth Groups Select AllConsent(Required) I agree to the policy belowI acknowledge and agree that the information provided above may be posted on the Grand Lodge of the State of Oklahoma’s web site. I also understand that my submission may be edited for space, clarity and to fit the public image of the fraternity.