Lodge of the year Award
The Lodge of the Year Program WORKS!
The purpose of the Lodge of the Year program is to encourage all Oklahoma Lodges to rebuild and strengthen those 5-F’s. It is the best way to create the excitement for a new generation of Masons, and to pass on the joy of Freemasonry to our children and grandchildren.
The Lodge of the Year program works a little differently than programs in the past. It is not a checklist on which your Lodge must score specific points to qualify. We know that each Lodge is different, with different circumstances, size, resources, and everything else.
We are not telling you what to do in the 5-F areas, we’re asking you to tell us what you are doing!
To enter, your Lodge creates a binder with pages showing what you have done in each area of the 5F’s.
MOST LODGES HAVE DONE MORE THAN THEY THINK, So Make Sure To Look At The Examples Below. If You Can Include Some Photographs, That Will Be Even Better. The Binder Must Be Completed By October 10th, And Then Given To Your DDGM So He Can Sign Off On It.
FUN[menu_anchor name=”Fun”]
Fun is anything the Lodge members do, with or without families, for the purposes of pleasure and relaxation. That can include Lodge dinners, cookouts, fishing trips, meeting somewhere
else for dinner, holding a Friends Night, going to a movie or drive-in or a baseball game, playing dominoes, and much more. It is important that we do not lose the fun of the Fraternity. Brainstorm what you have done, and make plans to do something, just for the fun of it.
What have you done to fix up the Lodge? Some examples: given it a good cleaning, repainted all or part of the interior or exterior, planted some shrubs, made a special effort to keep the grounds in good shape, changed or improved the lighting, acquired a new sign, fixed or updated the plumbing, polished the Lodge jewels or rods, waxed the furniture, or anything else which helps the Lodge room or building?
Have you set up a fund to save for Lodge improvements and repairs? Have you increased dues to keep pace with increasing costs? Have you added to the Lodge investments? What fund-raisers have you held?
What has your Lodge done to extend Masonic fellowship? Tell us if you have supported the Youth Groups and how you did. Have you made it a point to reach out to Brothers who do not attend Lodge to see if they need transportation to the meetings? What have you done to make the Lodge experience as rich and meaningful as possible? Here is where you tell us about your Masonic Education program. Let us know what you have done as a part of the Educational program. Have you brought in a guest speaker, added books to the Lodge library? Have you asked your newest and youngest members what they are looking for in Masonry and tried to make it available to them?
What has your Lodge done to take care of our Brothers? Have you started the “No Mason Left Behind” program? Does your Lodge send cards to Brethren on their Masonic anniversaries? Have you used Lodge funds, Matching Funds, or Promises Matter funds to aid a Brother or his family? (You don’t have to tell us the name or amount, just tell us if you did it.)
Especially, survey your members to see if their needs are being met. If you are not sure how to use Promises Matter, ask the Charity Foundation to send a speaker to do a program in your Lodge.
How good does your Lodge “feel?” Does it feel warm and friendly, as though you were visiting the home of a good friend?[lg_gallery]