Grand Master, 2022
I would like to take this time to first and above all give thanks and praise to my creator for the blessings that he has bestowed on my family and me these last 5 years that I have served the craft of this great state. Second, I would like to thank my wife and family for the support they have shown and given during this time. Last, thank you to the craft for your confidence and support. When I became involved in the Grand Lodge, my first thought was that I should never forget the very basic fundamentals that make up any endeavor that one is involved in. Today that statement has not changed. The basics of any endeavor we choose to pursue will always be the most solid foundation that we can build on. By looking back on the articles that I have submitted, I know that there is one topic that I have always made a comment or reference to – attitude is the basic factor that can and will make the difference in success or failure. Brothers, I ask each one of you to check your attitude. Be honest with yourself, not one of us has the perfect attitude. There is one example that comes to mind that my wife and I used in our business. When anyone came through the door of our business our basic goal was that they were not leaving unless they had a smile on their face. The reasoning behind this one simple gesture is a smile will always make one’s day just a little better. Brothers, our goal this year is to put that smile on everyone we come in contact with, this is the best impression we leave with anyone. I read an article that a past Grand Master wrote saying there were three R’s in masonry: Ritual, Rules, and Responsibility. The responsibility to ourselves is we should endeavor to improve ourselves not only in our masonic walk, but in all areas of our lives, to our brothers by setting an example for each to follow, and to the profane in that they see nothing that will cause them to have a derogatory thought towards the fraternity. The basic beginning of this action is simply having a positive attitude. The first question to ask yourself is “Am I acting as an asset or a liability to the situation in which I am involved?” The answer to this question determines the direction of your path. We do not have to agree on all the situations that come before us, but we do have to respect one’s opinion without malice. I have noticed in my travels around the state that there is a pattern of self-centeredness that is becoming a norm. Brothers, in my opinion this must stop if masonry is going to survive. You may have noticed the mission statement I have used, TOGETHER WE GROW UNITED WE STAND, in all my correspondence it means just what it implies. Brothers, we need to find a way to grow together, or we are going to fail alone! In closing I am asking you, my brothers, to examine yourself, take inventory of the heart, and recommit to becoming a part of the solution of turning our great fraternity toward the opening scene of success. TOGETHER WE GROW UNITED WE STAND.
—– Scott Vincent, Grand Master, 2022