In order to have Harmony, there must be differences.
As Masons we often forget how impactful harmony is in our Fraternity and by extension, in our community and society as a whole. As Entered Apprentices we learn early on of the importance of certain tools available to us that can, when properly applied, aid in the promotion of an atmosphere where Harmony prevails – the behavioral tools of Temperance, Fortitude, Prudence and Justice, lay much of the learning foundation in our first degree. We know because of our Obligations that if these tools are not judiciously applied in our daily lives, soon we will experience confusion in the Temple. We also know that when these tools are judiciously applied, Harmony is more likely to prevail.
It is important to understand that to have Harmony, there must be differences.
Masonry is perhaps one of the most diverse of institutions; indeed, it may be the most diverse institution that has ever existed. Masonry brings together men from every persuasion and every walk of life, men who reflect diverse backgrounds and often diverse ways of thinking. Masonry expects them to learn from one another, to grow as men, individually and collectively.
These differences lay fertile ground for confusion in the Temple, or for Harmony to exist.
Although our Fraternity has experienced a decline in membership, I firmly believe that if we as Masons recommit ourselves to apply our Entered Apprentice behavioral Tools in our lives and in our Lodges, and in our Communities, Harmony will not only prevail, but we will begin to experience a reawakening in Masonry. We must not isolate ourselves in our Masonic work – we must plan that our work is seen in, and experienced by our communities. Therein, I believe, is a basis of Masonry’s reemergence.
As your Grand Master, I have committed my being to this quest toward Harmony; I invite you to join with me in this work. May Peace and Harmony prevail!
—–Bobby J. Peters, Grand Master, 2020