Daniel Hanttula is known as “The Masonic Tour Guide,” and his written works have been recognized by the Masonic Service Association, The Scottish Rite Journal, Freemasonry for Dummies, the Whence Came You podcast and many others. On the Masonic speaking circuit, Daniel has traveled from Delaware to Hawaii, speaking to lodges on leadership, technical and esoteric topics (See partial list, provided below). Most recently, Daniel was tapped by the MW Grand Lodge of the State of Oklahoma to give a 1-hour presentation on Masonic Social Media, and by the South Central Conference of the York Rite to speak on “Protecting Masonic Information.”
By day, Hanttula is a Virtual CIO and Managing Partner of Decision Forward LLC, and is contracted by schools and financial institutions to speak on 21st century Internet safety.
Utilizing Technology to Attract, Retain and Increase Participation in Freemasonry
Duration: 60 minutes
Today’s younger Masonic candidates live, love and learn through technology. If a Masonic lodge isn’t utilizing the Internet, social media, mobile apps and the cloud, they are missing out on the easiest way to reach and engage the newest generations. This presentation demonstrates, using actual statistics from more than 45 years of lodge attendance, how to increase attendance, draw in new members and engage a disengaged craft. Best of all, many of the technologies are available at no-cost or low-cost to the lodge. Best practices will be demonstrated and the results yielding the highest turnouts for paid events will be explored.
Schrödinger’s Cat and the importance of a single answer in Freemasonry
Duration: 45 minutes
Level: MM Only (tyled)
If there is one question that remains to every Freemason, it might very well be “Am I a Master Mason?” This “yes or no question” is far more difficult to answer than one might first assume. The author uses “Schrödinger’s Cat,” a thought experiment proposed in the early 20th century, to guide the Lodge through a self-exploration process and attempt to answer the question. This presentation is a brief examination of Masonry at the time period when this experiment was first proposed, an examination of the internal and external factors that can affect a candidate on his progression through the degrees of Masonry, and concludes with an insight into my beliefs on how someone might answer the question, when they consider it for themselves. Traditional Observance Masons: Why we only wear one pin. Duration: 60 minutes Level: Candidate through MM (Open) This quaintly titled material may appear to be a “surface” discussion. But the hour-long program will dive into personal exploration, lodge experience, Brotherly intimacy, the attitude of candidates today, and several psychological frameworks to help the everyday Freemason explore what the true work of a Master Mason may be.
“How to Lead as a Master.”
This talk discusses the leadership lessons of Freemasonry and how they can be applied to a Masonic career.
Level: MM (Tyled)
Duration: 60 minutes
Extract: “…The Entered Apprentice [in his raw state] is a natural by-product of admittance into fraternal society. When The Craft accepts candidates by unanimous ballot and presents them with challenges that they have never before had to overcome, including the challenge of facing one’s true self, we begin the most volatile experiment of a man’s life. He is both the chemist and compounds, the scientist and the substances, the elements and the experiment… We must use all that Freemasonry has at its disposal to facilitate this transformation. This is the highest effort with the most questionable gain; as we simply do not know what the end result will be. Ultimately, this is the objective of every aspect of Freemasonry. Every man in the lodge must be devoted to this cause…”
Introducing a man by his Masonic Mark
Duration: 30 Minutes
An exploration of the “Masonic Mark” of Sir Robert Moray; scientist, soldier, diplomat and spy. He was a key figure in founding and maintaining the Royal Society, but perhaps most importantly, this man was the first recorded speculative Mason initiated on English soil. It looks back on the ancient operative traditions of making a Masonic mark and the reasoning, usages, and secrets behind the one that our first speculative Mason selected.
Regions [Click here to view the region map]: Central,Northeast, Northwest, South Central, Southeast, Southwest
Speaking Topics: Philosophy, Ritual, Esoteric, Lodge Leadership and Vision, Membership Recruitment and Retention, Appendant Bodies